Bloop, Bloop, Bloop

What’s that?

In our house, we say “bloop, bloop, bloop” instead of fast-forward when watching a recorded show. This goes back to when Ashley and I first started hanging out. She would record shows like Big Bang Theory or Sex in the City on her Tivo. I’d come over to do laundry and watch TV. See, when I first moved to Georgia I wasn’t going to settle here so I did not afford myself the luxuries of a washer and dryer, or cable TV for that matter. So, being a nice friend, Ashley let me do my laundry and watch TV at her place.

She once told her students this was the pre-cursor to “Netflix and chill” and they quickly pointed out that she probably did not know what “Netflix and Chill” meant.

Anyways, when we fast-forwarded through the commercials it would go: Bloop…Bloop..Bloop! So anytime she wanted me to fast-forward, she’d say “Bloop-Bloop-Bloop, Mr!”

Fifteen years later when watching American Ninja Warrior, (which in our house you have to say in a deep, low, Matt Iseman, announcer voice, “AMERICAN…NINJA…WARRIOR!”)  Fischer will say Bloop-Bloop-Bloop to get me to fast forward back to the show. Ironically, we don’t have a Tivo anymore, so the Bloop-Bloop-Bloop is non-existent and a completely different sound.

So what does that have to do with anything. Let me back up for a minute…
When Ashley started chemo, there had been a GoFundMe account set up for her and they wanted a bio of her medical history. Basically, to give some background of all the things she had gone through. Ashley remembered that she kept record of her diagnosis and subsequent Whipple surgery in some sort of journal, which really was just part of old notebook she had.
But the journal entries where sparse and more of an outline. Ashley decided that we should fill in the gaps. This started her journaling again which eventually led to this blog.

A few days before starting her first chemo round, Ashley was feeling anxious about possible side effects, lack of energy, and worrying about nausea.
Nausea…Out of all Ashley’s treatment side effects, or disease complications, Ashley hated being nauseated, and definitely did not want to actually throw up.

To work through the anxiety, I suggested Ashley keep a journal. Ashley not only journaled but would make lists and reviews of products she liked. To her, journaling was about how she was feeling, how her day was going and how her life would be changed by this new seemingly endless 28-day medicine routine. This was very therapeutic to her.

Ashley never knew who her audience was, but had a knack for writing. It was like she was talking to the reader, even if it was just me. Her blog gained decent popularity and many people would tell her how much they enjoyed her musings and felt connected to her.


Fast forward to me trying to adjust to losing the love of my life, go back to work, and raise these beautiful boys without Ashley. Like many others, I have come to this blog to feel that same connection with her.

I miss Ashley deeply and I am anxious for what is in store for me and my family. So I am going to take some of my own advice and write about it. I would like to continue Ashley’s blog where she left off, if you will let me. If it is a huge failure, I have an exit strategy. Hopefully it won’t come to that. I plan on keeping Ashley’s writing’s available for the foreseeable future.

If I could fast-forward to the future to get past this heartache, I wouldn’t. I know I have these two amazing boys that are counting on me and we are in this together.

-Happy New Year

31 thoughts on “Bloop, Bloop, Bloop”

  1. Great idea, Mike!

    I love your musings and wish you the best!

    This will be a great legacy, not just for us Randoms in Fandom, but for the boys and future generations!


  2. Share away, Mike–there is a community of people who want to support you, and stay connected with Ashley. If your writing goes off the rails–that will be okay!

  3. I love this, Mike! Thank you! I’ve been rereading her blog to hear her voice these last few days. It makes me immeasurably happy that you’re going to continue it! Thank you.

  4. I’m so happy you are doing this I know I’m not the only one who wants to keep up to date with you and the boys and this is the perfect way. Thank you for sharing your family with us.

  5. Love this Mike! I always loved reading her blogs because she had mastered her own unique writing “voice,” and I felt I could hear her saying the words she wrote out loud! You also have a unique writing “voice” and have captured it here perfectly! Can’t wait to read more! Prayers for y’all daily!

  6. Hi Mike. You don’t know me but I was introduced to Ashley’s blog a while back through a coworker whose wife works at MCHS. Your wife was a beautiful soul and an extremely talented and gifted writer, among her many other gifts. I am so looking forward to following your blogging now. Besides being cathartic for you, it will be such a beautiful gift for your boys to read some day; the love story about their mom and dad. It will be a collection of wisdom and inspiration about how to live one’s life. There is nothing more beautiful than when one writes from the heart. Your boys have been gifted by two wonderful parents. I look forward to following you as you continue to carry the torch for Ashley. I’m sure she would be so touched. Blessings to you and your family.

  7. Praying for you and those beautiful babies. I think this is a wonderful idea and you know you have all the support and love from all of us. God bless ya’ll

  8. Thank you Mike for keeping me connected to your amazing family. I look forward to your stories. I love this so very much! Happy New Year one day at a time.

  9. Ashley’s blog page is bookmarked on my computer as a “favorite”. Thank you for keeping up Ashley’s blog and her words and I look forward to staying connected with your updates. Praying for you and the boys.

  10. This is amazing. You and the boys are in my prayers everyday. I will certainly be following your writings and your journey. ❤

  11. Mike, I love that you are going to continue writing Ashley’s blog. I’m looking forward to following along with you and the boys. I’m sending all of you much love and many prayers for strength as you continue this journey. It will be uplifting for you and for us.

  12. Thank you Mike. This will be great for you, your family, and the community. Continued prayers for all of you. ❤️

  13. Thank you Mike and what a great way to Honor Ashley. We love you and are here for you. I pray that you and the boys will feel the warmth and the love of God. And with Gods Grace you will begin to heal and move forward on your journey. You are surrounded by people who love you and will always be there to support you.

  14. Everyone will be happy to hear about how you and your beautiful boys are doing. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily.

  15. Such a wonderful idea Mike. I will be here continuing to read and support you all!! Love to you and your precious boys!

  16. Don’t ever use that exit strategy, Mike…you have a gift of writing. I haven’t had the blessing of meeting you or your boys but please know that I’m holding y’all close in prayer. Ashley’s life story is such an inspiration to so many!

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